Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Attitude baby??

So yes there is light at the end of the tunnel.  She has stopped crying bloody murder every night and the growth spurt ended (well at least this one has for now) after 2 weeks of sleepless nights.  Baby has started to roll over from tummy to back, finally I was starting to worry.

Until about a week ago all she really wanted to do is talk and talk and talk some more.  She is a real chatter box.  When no one is paying any attention to her she screeches and screams so as to get our attention.  She has also developed a bit of an attitude.  I went to a meeting in another state and was gone for the day and when I got back, she refused to smile at me or talk to me.  She has developed an attitude?!? Is that even possible?  She is just four months old. Oh my I am in for a real treat am I not!!

So yesterday was Halloween and I have been planning her costume for a while now.  I was going to dress her up as a teddy bear and she refused to wear the costume.  It was a no fuss hoody and pants and she did not want to wear it.  How can a 4 month old refuse to wear a costume?  Well you really had to be there.  All I can say is that there was a lot of squirming and fussing and tugging involved.  Maybe if I had got her a more girly girl costume it would have been ok?  Oh well....you have a real Attitude Baby!!