Thursday, September 15, 2011

3 month growth spurt??

My mom-in-law always says "Dont say anything nice about your baby!  Nazar lagegi! (you will unwittingly cast an evil eye)". I used to think this was rubbish...but no no its true.  My sweet, well-behaved, baby started sleeping for 4-6 hours straight when she was 2 weeks old.  I knew this isn't how most baby's behave. I knew we were lucky to have such a night sleepy baby.  But did that stop me from jinxing it?  No, I told everyone who cared to ask how well my baby started sleeping through the night. 

"Knock on wood!" "Oh wow! really??", were the most frequent responses. Come 12 weeks and sleep just dissappeared from baby's beautiful eyes.  She is up almost every hour crying, hungry and wanting to be held. "It is a growth spurt." "Maybe she is teething?" "Did you try formula at night?" are now the most frequent responses. It was too good to last wan't it?  Growth spurt seems like the most plausible answer.  What are the signs?? Just so I have a ready list to refer to if I am in doubt the next time (if this time ever ends), here goes:

1. Baby will be extra irritable and cranky at night.
2. She will wake up every hour and want to be held constantly
3. She will only fall asleep if she can smell a boob or has you in the most uncomfortable position. The minute either is moved she up and wailing again.
4. You have no idea when she last woke you up, if you burped her or if she even had anything to burp about!
5. Your days will all blend in one another, you have no idea what you did this past week and cannot believe its only been a week?? Feels like much much much longer!

Hope and pray this ends soon- the night waking not the growing.  Definitely not the growing! :)

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