Tuesday, September 20, 2011

3 month old baby crying inconsolably

So parenting challenges never end! And the best news is...its only the beginning for me.  I have only one child and she is only now an infant.  So what do I know? Apparently nothing.  All I know is that after one hurdle comes another.  So the growth spurt thing has passed but now my baby cries bloody murder every night.  This has been happening the day after she turned 3 months old.  Surely biology doesn't follow the modern day calender, does it?? Well for my baby it does.  The turn of a new month brings new challenges along.  This month has been especially difficult, with one thing after another. It started off with a nursing strike, followed up night waking, followed by inconsolable crying every night. 
As has been the norm, everytime she so much as moves a finger, I Google her action to see if its normal or not.  I know, I know Google doesn't have children.  But the people who blog, share their experiences on forums do right? So this time with the inconsolable crying I turned to my trusty friend Google again.  After ruling out some of the common culprits like teething and ear infection, I am left with overstimulation, move sleep time earlier and trying a lot of skin to skin contact. So tonight will be experiment day number one:

1. I will move to the quiet bedroom with baby at 7pm. 
2. Change her.
3. Nurse her.
4. Sing softly to her
5. Remind myself.  This is only a phase, it will pass. Like everything else has it will get better.

Fingers crossed, hope it works!

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